Grade 5/6 Learning Community

  • Mrs Jennifer Barker

    Grade 5/6 PLC Leader

    Grade 5/6A Classroom Teacher

  • Mrs Narelle Pepper

    Grade 5/6A Classroom Teacher

  • Mrs Kristen Bawden

    Grade 5/6 PLC Leader

    Grade 5/6B Classroom Teacher

  • Mr Anthony Cavallaro

    Grade 5/6C Classroom Teacher

  • Miss Jane McCurry

    Grade 5/6D Classroom Teacher

Term 2

Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2! The Grade 5/6 team hopes you had a wonderful time with your families during the term break. We are all looking forward to a busy but exciting term with a range of activities planned to enhance our students' learning.

Mathematics - Number

Students will be working on fractions and multiplication. Students will focus on ordering common fractions, giving reasons, and adding and subtracting fractions with related denominators. Students will also solve problems involving finding a fraction of a quantity and use estimation to find approximate solutions to problems. They will use their proficiency with multiplication facts and efficient mental and written calculation strategies to multiply large numbers by one- and two-digit numbers. In this topic, students will build upon efficient strategies to solve multiplication problems and apply this learning to real-life scenarios.

Mathematics - Measurement & Geometry

Students will be learning about Time and Probability. They will focus on converting between 12- and 24-hour time, interpreting and using timetables, and measuring, calculating, and comparing elapsed time. When studying Probability, students will assign probabilities using common fractions, decimals, and percentages. They conduct simulations using digital tools to generate and record the outcomes and observe frequencies similar to the expected frequencies from many experiment trials.


Students will use reading comprehension strategies, such as inferring and examining the audience, character, feelings, theme / main idea, and author's message. Students will also focus on predicting, questioning, making connections, and clarifying. Students will use these strategies to gain a deep understanding of various texts.


Students will develop their writing skills through instructional, procedural, and explanation text types. Teachers will challenge students to use various techniques to enhance the effectiveness of their writing. The Writer’s Notebook will also be a part of our program, and students will use it as a platform to practise the 6+1 Traits of Writing and support them in implementing these skills into their writing.

In Vocab sessions, students will continue to investigate tier-two words. They will delve into the meaning, parts of speech, and context in which the word can be used. This practical approach will help them understand the relevance and importance of the specific words explored.

Integrated Studies

This term in Integrated Studies, we will learn about digital technology and focus on creating digital solutions. Students will explicitly focus on designing, modifying, and following simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration. They will develop digital solutions as simple visual programs.

Other information

  • Session 5 on Wednesday afternoons is Wellbeing Hour at our school. During this session, students will participate in the 'Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships' program, which focuses on developing students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills.

    Teachers focus on teaching students to recognise and develop character strengths, empathy, mindfulness and gratitude through lessons from The Resilience Project. They also develop strategies they can use to promote success in their learning. Students will also engage in various functional tasks focusing on online safety.

  • Please remind your children to always bring brain food (fruit or vegetables) to eat while they are working. This assists our students in remaining fully focused and engaged during their learning. Staying hydrated is also important for learning, so please ensure a bottle of water is brought to school daily.

  • Please ensure your child has a clearly labelled school hat with their name clearly labelled. Hats must be worn outside from September until the end of April. No Hat, No Play! It is also important that they apply sunscreen before school and are encouraged to bring sunscreen to apply throughout the day.

  • Home reading will continue this term. Students are expected to read for five nights a week (30- 45 minutes) and include a short, written reflection for four of those nights. In addition, students will be asked to complete a detailed reading reflection and a literacy activity relating to their book. Students will also be assigned Mathletics tasks.

    Teachers will hand out homework to students on Wednesday. Students will submit homework the following Monday. All students should be able to complete their homework independently, and be of a high standard.

  • Interschool sports for the 5/6 students will continue during Term 2. Games are played on Friday mornings between 9:15am and approximately 11:00am. The sports and coaches for Season 1 continue to be:

    Football – Miss Rogers

    Soccer – Mr Cavallaro

    Tee Ball – Mrs Pepper

    Netball – Mrs Bawden

    Hot Shots Tennis – Miss McCurry

    Season 2 of Interschool Sports will commence later this term (these new teams will be selected at the culmination of Season 1). The following sports will be available: Basketball, Kanga Cricket, Softball, European Handball, and Volleyball.

  • The application process for secondary school selection is now underway for our Grade 6 students. All relevant documents will be sent home in Week 1. Attending some secondary school tours may be a good idea, particularly if you have yet to decide where you would like your child to go. Please return all applications to our school, with three preferences included, by Friday, May 10th.

Important Dates

Tuesday, 17 April

Rosehill Secondary College Open Day Excursion

Wednesday, 01 May

Fun Run

Monday, 29 April

Essendon Keilor College Open Day Excursion

Friday, 10 May

Grade 6 to 7 Transition Forms due