Keilor Primary School is 150 years in the making

A long tradition 1875-2023

The first Keilor State School, constructed in 1875 on top of the Bonfield Street hill, was plagued from the start by shoddy construction and the use of inferior building materials. The one-room school was built on bluestone foundations, however its brick walls were porous and became mildewed during the winter months and because there was no ceiling under the slate roof; huge draughts swept through the schoolroom. Correspondence in the school files, reveals that the first Head Teacher, Mr Savage and his wife Bridget, who acted as his assistant, were frequently absent through illness and if both were away, they sent along one of their older children to teach! Mr Savage's frequent bouts of bronchitis, can no doubt be attributed to conditions at the school. Vandalism to school property (with broken window panes an almost weekly occurrence) is referred to frequently in the school correspondence. Whatever its shortcomings, it was sixly five years before the old building was replaced.

In 1940 a new school was built in the former Police Paddock, at the bottom of the Bonfield Street hill. Although the old school's location had not been ideal, the new site was even less suitable. Located just above the main road into Keilor, the sloping site was particularly unsuitable for playground activities.

In 1960, the school was relocated to a new and more suitable site in Kennedy Street, Keilor, which was originally part of the Milburn Estate.

Today, the only reminders of the first Keilor State School, are the bluestone foundations and a depression in the ground where the old well was located. An historical panel erected on the site in 1991, explains the school's history. There is nothing to indicate the location of the 1940 school.

On July 15, 2000, Keilor Primary School No. 1578, celebrated its 125th Anniversary, with a 'Back to Keilor Primary School', and an Anniversary Ball at Lakeside Reception Centre, Taylors Lakes.

Keilor Primary School admin building as it is today.