Grade 5 & 6
Term 1
Term 1
The Grade 5/6 Teachers – Mrs Bawden, Mrs Pepper, Mrs Davis, Mr Cavallaro and Mr Leonard would like to welcome families back to the 2025 school year. We are all looking forward to an exciting year ahead with many activities planned, all aiming to enhance the learning of our students.
Number: Students will focus on Place Value, studying whole numbers and decimals this term. They will practise skills such as ordering, regrouping, and expanding numbers, which will help consolidate their understanding of the value of our numerical system. We consider the place value unit extremely important because a good understanding underpins all other strategies taught in the number strand of Mathematics.
Statistics and Probability -Throughout Term 1 in Applied Math, students will learn about statistics, including constructing, interpreting and comparing a range of data displays. They will plan and conduct statistical investigations.
The focus for Term 1 will be setting up a Reading Community. This will involve students setting up their Classroom Library, establishing routines, setting up good reading habits to support independent reading and book club, selecting ‘Just Right’ books and becoming aware of our thoughts as we read. Teachers will conduct reading conferences with students to discuss their reading strengths and areas for improvement and guide students to set reading goals. Reading comprehension strategies, such as Analysing word choice, Identifying text Structure and Author’s Purpose, Determining Importance and Summarising will be a focus this term.
This year students will be developing their skills in the 6+1 Traits of Writing. Students will be encouraged to enhance their writing using the traits of: Ideas, Organisation, Conventions, Word Choice, Voice, Sentence Fluency and Presentation.
During Term 1, students will focus on Poetry and be exposed to a variety of poems including Cinquain, Alliteration, Black out and Rhyming Poetry.
Later in the term students will be focusing on Realistic (Historical) Fiction, where they will be encouraged to develop creative strategies such as sizzling starts, tightening the tension and character care factor, etc. to compose high quality, engaging texts that entertain the audience.
In addition to this, the Writer’s Notebook will also be a part of the weekly Writing program to assist students in generating ideas and practising skills.
Integrated Studies
This term in Integrated Studies, we will be working on the importance of School Wide Positive Behaviour and in particular, on our school values. Throughout the year we will be teaching students skills and strategies that will help improve their wellbeing and resilience.
Students will also be learning about Australian History, the social, economic and political causes and reasons for the establishment of British colonies in Australia after 1800, as well as the nature of convict or colonial presence, including the factors that influenced changing patterns of development, how the environment changed, and aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Other information
Please remind your children to always bring brain food (a piece of fruit or vegetables) to consume while they are working. This assists our students in remaining fully focused and engaged during their learning. Staying hydrated is also important for learning, so please ensure a bottle of clean water is brought to school daily.
Home reading is the main component of the Grade 5/6 homework program. Students are expected to read between 30 - 45 minutes each weeknight and include four short written reflections in their diaries per week and one reading response in their homework book. In addition, there will be opportunities for Mathletics activities that support their work in their classrooms. Homework will be allocated on Wednesdays and submitted the following Monday. All students should be able to complete their homework independently. Please speak to your child’s teacher for any queries about the homework routine.
Grade 5 Sport begins this term. The Grade 5s will try out sports for next year with the Grade 4s and then training in preparation for 2025. This session will run from 9:15 am until approximately 11:00 am on Friday mornings.
Interschool Sports for the 5/6 students will commence in Term 1. The students’ training is generally held during lunchtime sessions, and games are played on Friday mornings between 9:15 and approximately 11:00 a.m.
The sports and coaches for this term are:
Football – Ms Rogers
Soccer – Mr Leonard
Tee Ball – Mr Cavallaro
Netball – Mrs Bawden
Hot Shots Tennis – Mrs Pepper