Term 1
Term 1
It is terrific to see the students settling into classroom expectations so well. They are becoming more confident and independent each day. Please continue to encourage the students as this will form a solid foundation and set them up for a successful year.
Numeracy during Term One will see the students explore various concepts and learning experiences. Some key concepts covered include Number-Counting, Number-Formation, Subitising, 2D Shapes, Days of the Week and Pattern and Order.
During Term One, we will work with the students to establish positive reading routines and experiences. The students will be introduced to concepts such as Predicting, Visualising, Summarising, Questioning, Making Connections.
Letters, sounds, and high-frequency words will also be the focus of the reading. These will be introduced to the students every week.
Home reading will commence in Week 5 (Monday 24th February) and Show and Tell - More details will be sent home soon.
The students will be given many opportunities to develop and extend their knowledge of sound and letter relationships to assist with their writing. They will engage in various learning tasks that best suit their needs. The students will focus on using the correct pencil grip, leaving two finger spaces between words, understanding and consolidating their awareness of letter-sound relationships, and using letters to represent the sounds heard in words.
Integrated Studies
This term we will be focusing on the school’s five values of Learning, Resilience, Teamwork, Collaboration and Respect. The students will also be participating in ‘The Resilience Project’ and ‘Respectful Relationships’, as part of the Student Engagement and Wellbeing program on Wednesdays.
Things to remember:
Ensure all clothing and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
Class timetables are posted on the doors to the Prep building. Please note that they can change depending on school events.
House colours can also be found on the doors.
Please send brainfood, snacks, half lunch, lunch to school daily, and water bottle.
Continue to check your child’s bag/reading satchels for notes and forms that may be given out during the day.
Contact the school via telephone or school app to notify your child’s absence.
Remember September through to April is a ‘NO HAT, NO PLAY’. Please ensure your child’s hat is at school each day.
Be aware that class instruction time commences at 9am. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please make an appointment.
Advise your child’s class teacher if your child is being collected by someone other than a parent or guardian.
Send a labelled art smock to school for your child to use during Art sessions, if you have not done so yet.
Please send tissues, wipes or paper towels to school as soon as possible.
The Prep teachers appreciate your cooperation and help with all the above matters. 😊
Important Dates
02 April
Easter Hat Parade @ 2:50pm