Prep Transition Program
Our Prep Transition Program is the beginning of your child's journey to school, where they will have the opportunity to learn about our school and begin settling into the school environment.
Our extensive transition program is aimed at making your child's pathway from kindergarten to school a seamless experience. Our ultimate goal is to have students who feel happy, safe and excited about school. We endeavour to make this transition as smooth as possible for each and every child that begins school at Keilor Primary School.
Our formal Transition sessions commence in Term 3. During this time the children will be involved in activities that familiarise them with the classroom setting, school grounds and school staff.
Independence is an important skill to have and becomes easier as your child grows in confidence. You can start to encourage independence in your child and help them become more responsible for their belongings. Your child will find school transition more manageable if he or she has started to learn to:
do up their buttons and zippers
take off/put on their jumper and jacket independently
open and close their lunch boxes and drink bottes
recognise and say their full name
put things away after use
recognise and care for their own named belongings
go to the toilet and adjust clothing
familiarise themselves with using a public toilet urinal (boys)
flush the toilet after use
use a tissue or a handkerchief properly
cough and sneeze into their elbow