Grade 3 & 4                         

Term 1

Term 1

The Grade 3/4 Professional Learning Community would like to wish all our students and their families a successful and productive year. Best wishes from Mrs Evans, Mrs McKerracher, Ms Hasan, Ms Greco, and Mrs D’Amico. We look forward to working with you throughout the year and supporting your children to maximise their learning opportunities.


Students will begin the term by working with their peers to establish the foundations for our Math lessons. They will learn to work together, use manipulatives, and solve problems. Later in the term, we will move on to Place Value, Statistics, and Graphing.


The focus throughout Term 1 is to develop good reading habits, setting goals, and common expectations within our reading block. Students will be involved in setting up classroom libraries and learning how to choose just right books. We will also establish home reading routines and explore how to use a range of comprehension strategies to understand a text.


Students will begin by learning about the ‘Writing Traits’ and setting up their Writer’s Notebooks. They will then review Persuasive writing techniques before studying Narrative texts. Students will write a story to engage the target audience.

Wellbeing Hour

Every Wednesday afternoon, the whole school will focus on Wellbeing. During this session, students will participate in the ‘Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships’ program, focusing on developing students' social, emotional and positive relationship skills. They will continue with The Resilience Project, with a focus on recognising and developing character strengths, empathy, mindfulness and gratitude. Students will also develop strategies they can use to promote success in their learning. Students will also engage in a cohort assembly during these Wellbeing sessions.

Integrated Studies

This term, we’ll focus on our school values to encourage positive behaviours and productive learning environments. Students will enhance their learning strategies and goal-setting skills and develop a growth mindset for academic success.

Additionally, our ‘Now and Then’ History unit will immerse students in experiences where we will dive deep into the histories of Keilor and Australia, and how our country has changed over time.

Other information

  • Students are encouraged to bring fresh fruit or vegetables to be eaten during the morning session. They are also encouraged to have clean, labelled drink bottles with fresh water daily.

  • We look forward to your support with homework this term. Please continue to make sure your child is reading at least 20 - 30 minutes per night. The children may bring familiar texts home or choose texts of their choice from home to read. Students are encouraged to record their own nightly reading in their Reading Journals and return them back to the classroom teacher weekly.

  • Please make sure that your child has their school hat with them every day and that they are clearly labelled with their name. Hats must be worn outside from September until the end of April. No Hat, No Play!  It is also important that they apply sunscreen before school and they are encouraged to bring sunscreen to apply throughout the day. 

Important Dates

12 March - 24 March

NAPLAN Assessments